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Professor Cathy Davidson is featured as an important alumna in Binghamton University’s magazine, especially for her work as a “mover, shaker, [and] educator.”

Thomas Frazier writes:

Ask Cathy N. Davidson about the state of education, and she will tell you that while today’s students are the first generation of the 21st century, they’re still being trained for the 20th century.

For much of her career, Davidson, MA ’73, PhD ’74, hasn’t been shy about challenging traditional methods of teaching, calling some basic elements of our educational system outdated and counterproductive.

Davidson is an ardent advocate of handing more control of the classroom to students. She says that our systems for teaching, grading and testing are antiquated remnants of Industrial Age education. And she says it’s critical to renew support for public universities to lessen the financial burden on students and their families.

Read the full article here.

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Cathy N. Davidson

Cathy N. Davidson

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