Spring 2023 to Fall 2023 [These are only the announced, public engagements coming up Spring 2023. Stay tuned for more to be added later.]
January 4-7, 2023 Modern Language Association meetings, San Francisco: on site
January 17, 10am, Hunter College (ACERT): online
January 23-27, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico: on site
February 1, 4pm, Montclair State University: on site
February 8, 4pm, Listening Session 4: Employers “From Classrooms to Careers”: online
February 10, 12pm, (awaiting confirmation), CT/d Dialogues: An Invitation to The New School: on site
February 17, 10am, CUNY Central Faculty Governance Leaders Presentation: online
March 10, 2pm, Teaching Matters CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA),The Graduate Center: online
March 16, 8am, CUNY BA Conference: The Future of Individualized and Interdisciplinary Studies, The Graduate Center Proshansky Auditorium: on site
April 17, 10:30 am, Office of Transformation: Career Success Fellows Virtual Training
April 24, 10:30 am, Office of Transformation: Career Success Fellows In-Person Training Session
May 25, 8am, AMICAL 2023: The Conference for Libraries, Technology, and Pedagogy at American Universities, The Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco: on site
June 8-10, HASTAC 2023 Anniversary Conference, Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice, and HASTAC Website Migration Roundtable, Pratt Institute on site
October 7, Gakushuin symposium in Tokyo at Gakushuin University: on site