It’s been a busy summer and fall is heating up to be just as busy. Along with Christina Katopodis, I’ve been doing many events, interviews, podcasts and now, officially, The New College Classroom (Harvard University Press) is out and available on the Harvard University Press website, at your local independent bookstore, on and Amazon.
We’re thrilled that it’s been ranked 1st at Amazon for new releases on “educational administration.” We also are nearing 600 registrations for our book launch event on Sept 7. Most heartening, on social media, people are posing with the book, talking about all the meaningful ways they are learning, even from skimming the book.
And there’s much delight in the chapter titles (“Group Work Without the Groans” and “Grades—Ugh!” are favorites.
(NB: As with other books in the “How We Know” Trilogy, I contribute proceeds from sales to a scholarship fund sponsored each year by the Futures Initiative at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.)
For more information, see our article on the CUNY Graduate Center website: